Youth in Agri-ICT, Trade and Enterprises (YATE) Football Club star is rising as Kameu Secondary School Football Club supported by FCI emerges as the best in Mt. Kenya region and lifting Embu Open Tournament 2018. FCI is optimizing the sports space as part of our repositioning and rebuilding the image of the agri-entrepreneurship among the youth in Africa. The football club supported by FCI comprises of children from vulnerable households and this is building confidence that agric. is the next big thing in Africa to unlock incomes. Cost benefit analysis by FCI on multiple enterprises is revealing that a youth can earn sustainable incomes ranging from USD 1,500 to USD 6,000 annually. We further use case studies to make this reality alive for youth. A new hope is dawning for our youth in Africa to access money from farm enterprises and agri-value chains!

Farm Concern International Africa Director, Mr. David Ruchiu, encouraging YATE Footbal Club after winning the semi-finals

Youth in Agri-ICT, Trade and Enterprises (YATE) Model

FCI’s Youth in Agri-ICT, Trade and Enterprises (YATE) approach seeks to build and expand young people’s interest in agricultural enterprises at different nodes along the value chain as a worth-while alternative source of employment and income. The approach focuses on identifying factors inhibiting youth participation in agriculture and in turn establishing preferred youth owned agricultural enterprises along the value chain such as value addition enterprises, business support services provision as well as input supply.

Making agriculture modern has considerable potential for job and wealth creation especially for youth who could have otherwise migrated to already crowded cities. This requires strategies to make agriculture an attractive enough option for youth to engage in, including moving away from subsistence agriculture, and introducing commercialization and productivity improvements through technological innovations and infrastructure support. Through Youth in Agricultural Trade and Enterprise Approach, FCI has worked with over 5.1 million youth across 8 countries in Africa.

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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.