FCI Impact stories is a new communication series through which Farm Concern International, FCI shares untold stories of progress and profits in Africa gathered through direct implementation of Commercial Villages Model for smallholder commercialization and market access going on for 12 years [2004-2016] and commencing scale up in 2017. The series is based on impact data and tales of transformation for programmes in smallholder commercialization, market access and capacity development conducted in 24 countries in partnership with 132 development partners and 24,028 buyers.

Click on the image below to read the latest release:

Domestic Markets Regional Programme impact summary

The Domestic Horticulture Markets (DoHoMa) Programme is a 5 year programme designed for domestic markets mainstreaming with a focus on Traditional African Vegetables (TAVs), Bulb Onions and Irish Potatoes with an Agri-Nutrition Solutions component. DoHoMa is graduating 115,491 Smallholder Farmers, SHF into entrepreneurs and with cumulative sales of USD 350 Million in Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda and Malawi. The programme is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BMGF....Read More


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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.