Our market research profile

FCI undertakes research based on the Value Networks Research Tool (VNRT); a tool developed and applied by FCI. VNRT is a hybrid research tool of private sector and development market research tools, based on various parameters, designed in response to shifting gears from a conventional chain analysis or market research to a multi-portfolio analysis of a dynamic economy leading to identification of key market hubs in an economy and a comprehensive analysis of opportunities and threats.
Research portfolio - Click header to collapse / expand

Value Chain Validation Assessment for the USAID- Feed the Future, Kenya Agricultural Value Chain Enterprises Programme
Value Chain Analysis and Small holder Commercialization Opportunities Study in Rwanda
According to a Value Chain Analysis and Small holder Commercialization Opportunities Study in Rwanda conducted by Farm Concern International under the Value Chains, Enterprises Development, Market Access and Commercialization (VEMAC) Programme funded by World Vision Rwanda, 8,747MT of maize is available for commercialization although only 3,853MT is sold indicating a commercialization index of 44%. In addition 5,587MT of beans, 15,413MT of sweet potatoes, 16,569MT of bananas and 38,533MT of potatoes are available for commercialization. However, farmers on average consume all the beans, sell only 3,083MT of sweet potatoes, 6,936MT of bananas and 11,560 MT of potatoes representing commercialization of 0%, 20%, 42% and 30% for beans, sweet potatoes, bananas and potatoes, respectively...Read More
Assessment of Value Chain Postharvest Practices and Possible Interventions in Tanzania
According to a study conducted by Farm Concern International to assess the postharvest handling practices of small scale farmers in Siha, Hai, Arusha and Meru districts, there were poor postharvest techniques that were observed in Hai and Siha Districts. Curing of onions in Kawaya village and potatoes in Ngarenairobi was not done as is required for the two crops. Carrots and tomatoes on the other hand were packed with dirt. Onions were observed to have thick necks which were as a result of the pre harvest conditions while potatoes were not cured. It was also reported during Focus Group Discussions (FGD) that crates of tomatoes were heaped one on top of the other, causing mechanical injury on the tomatoes at the bottom of the pile. These are issues which require to be addressed through capacity building of farmers and traders...Read More
Value Chain Analysis in Malawi across four Area Programmes of Nkhoma and Chilenje AP (Lilongwe district), Nthondo AP in Ntchisi district and Chikwina-Mpamba in Nkhata-Bay district
A value chain Analysis conducted by Farm Concern International, FCI in Malawi revealed that the total annual market size for the target commodities across the sampled markets is estimated at USD 5,214,234 which is only 38% of the total market capacity. This means that there exists an unmet demand for the target commodities in the sampled markets valued at USD 8,488,753 annually. Fruits and vegetables worth USD 1,404,187 are annually traded across the sampled informal wholesale markets which is only 16% of the market capacity. Fish worth USD 2,029,368 and roots and tubers worth USD 393,608 are traded annually accounting for only 51% and 34% of the market capacity. However, the market findings indicated that informal markets are usually oversupplied with grains and legumes where 3,419MT of legumes and grains are supplied in the informal markets against the market capacity of 2,174MT which is 157% of what is demanded by the market...Read More
Value Chain Analysis (VCA) in Somaliland
According to a Value Chain Analysis (VCA) study undertaken by Farm Concern International on behalf of FAO Somalia, the major challenges that farmers in Somaliland encounter in agricultural production and marketing were indicated as lack of transport and high cost of transport indicated by over 90% of the farmers, lack of market information (85.8%), poor infrastructure including lack of proper storage facilities (81.1%) and low pricing 61.3%. All these factors point out to two main issues; the long distance to the markets makes farmers transport commodities for long distances and poor infrastructure making the cost of transport high. Flow of market information is also inadequate and ultimately market access is limited for farmers while low pricing further inhibits farmers from investing in agricultural enterprises since profitability is suppressed...Read More
Pwani Value Chain Analysis in Coastal Kenya
A Value Chain Analysis by Farm Concern International with support from Tearfund in Coastal Kenya revealed low commercialization among smallholder farmers for all crops (Maize, Cassava, Green grams, Coconut, Cashew Nut, and Pineapples) apart from chilli which was grown only for commercial purposes. Smallholder farmers in Kilifi County produce 149,007MT of maize although a production gap 315,894MT is still persistent. Approximately 7,667MT of cowpea are produced which indicates a production gap of 4,294MT while 37,954MT of cassava are produced by smallholder farmers within Kilifi County although a production gap of 67,474 MT is being experienced among smallholder farmers....Read More