Farm Concern International (FCI) with funding from Traidcraft enabled beekeepers in Rufiji and Tabora to increase their income. Through the Beekeepers Economic Empowerment in Tanzania (BEET) project,FCI oversaw the fast tracking implementation of the four-year BEET project in Tanzania within three months. Through the Beekeepers Economic Empowerment in Tanzania (BEET) project, FCI empowered the farmers to realize incomes worth USD 21,010.9 from 12.04 Tonnes of honey in just three months. 

BEET project worked to increase incomes through capacity development of beekeepers, improving the quality of the honey, and increasing the volumes of the honey sold by linking them to reliable and sustainable local and regional markets.  

FCI targeted 2,760 beekeepers in the districts of Urambo, Uyui and Sikonge in Tabora region and in Rufiji district, Pwani region.  By the third month, the multi-dimension capacity building trainings conducted under the project had resulted in improved honey quality in the target regions. As a result, honey prices increased by 43% and 66.7% in Rufiji and Tabora respectively. 

FCI’s notable achievement was being able to link the project beneficiaries to one of the largest companies exporting honey to Germany from Tanzania (NAYOPEKER). Towards the end of the consultancy, NAYOPEKER Company had ordered more than 20 MT of honey from the project’s beneficiaries. In addition, FCI in partnership with the beekeepers in Tabora and Rufiji was able to identify and established strategic business partnerships with three more formal markets from the area to ensure sustainability of the honey trade in the area. 

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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.