Mr. Halakhe Wako a standard eight leaver and member of Dirib Gombo Commercial village developed passion for green grams farming after attending commercialization campaigns by Farm Concern International under the Agro-pastoralist Commercialization and Markets Programme in Northern Kenya. Halakhe completed his primary school education in 2013 and did not join secondary school due to lack of fees.

Mr. Halakhe with a bull he bought with money from green gram farming

Halakhe used to look after his family’s livestock on completing primary school level. He developed passion for farming after he attended several trainings on commercialization of green grams and youth empowerment forums organized by Farm Concern International. He moved full throttle and planted green grams on his family one acre land. 

He harvest 300kgs and FCI linked him to a buyer in Marsabit town who bought at KES.110/kg earning him KES. 33,000. This was a lot of money for the 17 year old Halakhe who had never raised his own KES. 1,000 from tending his family livestock. This was made possible by adoption of good agricultural practices including land preparation, spacing, application of the right chemicals to control pest and diseases and post-harvest management. 

Halakhe used KES. 20,000 from the green grams sales to buy one cattle in view of fattening and selling again, KES. 5,000 to buy one goat and put aside the balance to cater for planting and weeding expenses in the next season. “The Programme has transformed my life for better even after missing an opportunity to go to secondary school. I will continue farming green grams and even up scaling through increasing acreage under green grams and buying more livestock for trading” said a joyful Halakhe. 


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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.