Elina Sultan is a farmer and a village frontline worker from Nyongoro Village in Kilifi who has been in the fore front campaigning on cassava commercialization under the Kenya Cassava Village Processing Initiative supported by Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and implemented by Farm Concern International (FCI).

Initially, Elina used to be a peasant maize farmer also growing a few cassava stands for subsistence purpose. After FCI conducted cassava commercialization campaigns in Kilifi, she expanded this to four acres of cassava which are now due for harvesting. She has two varieties, Kibandameno- local variety preferred by the local traders and Tajirika- an improved variety released by KALRO. Elina expects to harvest at least 15 MT of Tajirika variety. Due to her hard work, Elina has attracted the attention of S4S NGO who sold her a solar drier on credit to pay in three months installment.

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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.