CoMAP Project, which mainly targets to build the livelihoods of over 1,900 agro pastoralist households, will be launched on 19th February 2015 in Marsabit Central Sub-County at the Jirime Hotel and Resort. The event, which will be facilitated by Farm Concern International (FCI) with support from Tear Fund, will attract participants from Marsabit County government representatives, development partners and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries.

 In addition to building livelihoods resilience among the pastoralists, CoMAP (Commercialization and Market linkages for Agro-Pastoralist) project will also improve entrepreneurship capacity among the agro pastoralist’s households and increase agro-pastoralists income levels by enhancing value chain efficiency through formation of strategic business partnerships and investment networks. 

A Value-chain wide approach will be applied for the proposed CoMAP Project leveraging on commercialization and market linkages. Its design is highly informed by the Participatory Market Assessment for Marsabit County completed in June 2013 conducted by Farm Concern International (FCI), with support from Tear Fund UK.  The findings of this study were validated through stakeholders’ forums and widely shared with relevant government agencies, development organizations, research organizations, farmers and traders in the region.


Category: Events
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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.